Thursday, October 31, 2019

Drug Dependence is a Condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drug Dependence is a Condition - Essay Example Different types of drugs have different mechanisms of action. Depending on the type of drug and the form in which it is administered can cause a wide range of variation of symptoms. Almost all drugs, however, interact with the dopaminergic reward system. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is often a pleasure producing chemical. Drugs can either act as agonists or antagonists on receptors, which impact the secretion of this rewarding chemical. As a result, drug users use this in order to achieve the euphoria. Eventually, it takes more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same level of euphoria. This is the beginning of addiction. For drug users who have been using for years, this addiction becomes life essential to the point that it has altered their physiology and if they were to stop using, it would result in death. Thus this addiction moves from becoming a criminal intention to a medical condition. For example, methamphetamines are an extremely powerful drug, which can le ad to the chemical addiction as mentioned above. The withdrawal symptoms can have severe physiological symptoms as well as lead to death due to the lack of medication. This lead to the production of a medicine known as methadone, which is a pharmaceutical which can keep the side effects from methamphetamine occurring, but itself is addicting. In addition, the war on drugs has been occurring for many years, but illegal drugs still are being used and will still make their way onto the streets. As long as there are buyers and sellers, the drug trades and cartels will continue to exist as they find better and more covert ways of initiating their drug transactions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Little bee reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Little bee reaction paper - Essay Example e, two Nigerian sisters were trying to escape the clutches of Nigerian men and their dogs who were hunting them for witnessing the massacre of village people. The sisters came upon the O’Rourkes and pleaded for help until the hunters caught up with them brusquely pulling the sisters apart from the O’Rourkes. Sarah refused to let the men take the girls. Andrew offered the men money to let the girls go. However, the leader of the men refused the money and negotiated to release the girls if Andrew will cut off the middle finger. He said, "White man been giving me this finger all my life. Today you can give it me to keep. Now cut off your middle finger mister and give it me"1 Upon rejecting their offer, Sarah realized that the men were serious so she took the initiative to cut off her own middle finger. The men agreed to release Little Bee in return for Sarah’s sacrifice but announced that her sister will die because of Andrew’s refusal to do as they wished. From the events that transpired, there were clearly cross-cultural communication issues that surfaced. In the short but heavily stressful interaction between the English O’Rourkes and the Nigerian men, the stumbling blocks to communication that Barna2 referred to impeded the understanding between the parties. Andrew held a stereotype of the men as desirous of money, that is why he offered them some in exchange of the girls’ release. He assumed that they were similar to him, coming from a culture where money talks and gets things done. He may have held on to a stereotype of the men being materialistic. He did not realize that the men were serious with their negotiation of him cutting off his third finger in exchange for the release of the girls. For them, humiliating a White man by cutting off his middle finger which they always found insulting when they are given the ‘dirty finger’ gesture was more rewarding than any amount of money he may offer. Andrew ma y have assumed that they would not

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Efficacy Of Dynamic Splinting Health And Social Care Essay

Efficacy Of Dynamic Splinting Health And Social Care Essay The procedure has proven to both reliable and durable. A successful total knee replacement allows patient to resume almost all activities of daily living with minimal difficulty. In most cases patients no longer require external aids or chronic medications. Finally total knee replacement helps patients to maintain their overall self esteem. Total knee replacement is indicated when there is unremitting severe pain in the knee with or without deformity. The pain/ deformity may be due to osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and various non specific arthritis. It relieves pain, provides mobility and correct deformity. Total knee replacement is a surgical procedure in which injured or damaged parts of the knee joint are replaced with artificial parts. The procedure is performed by seperating the muscles and ligaments around the knee to expose the knee capsule. The knee capsule is opened, exposed the inside of the joint. The end of the femur and tibial are removed. The artificial parts are cemented into place. The knee will consist of metal shell at the end of the femur, a metal and plastic trough on the tibia and if needed a plastic button in the cap. In a way this could be more appropriately called a Knee resurfacing operation. The common pathology for total knee replacement is knee flexion contracture. DEFINITION: Flexion contracture is defined as the shortening of the connective tissue thereby stiffening the joint. It is due to tightening of the posterior capsule combined with the tightening of biceps femoris and collateral ligaments. Hence rehabilitation program should be undertaken soon after TKA to maintain joint range of motion. In particular this study examined the value of dynamic splinting in increasing range of motion and reducing the flexion contracture. Dynamic splinting utilizes the biomechanical adaptation of keeping the joint at end-range to achieve a physiological change of molecular realignment to elongate the connective tissue. This protocol of low-load, prolonged-duration stretch with dynamic tension continually reduces the contracture. ANATOMY OF KNEE JOINT: The knee joint is the largest and most complex joint in the body. It is synovial modified hinge joint. It is formed by fusion and medial tibio- femoral and patella- femoral joint. ARTICULAR SURFACES: It is comprised the Femoral condyles: distal end of femur Tibial condyles : proximal end of tibia. Patellar facetes : posterior surface of patella. Femoral condyles: The articular surfaces of femur are pulley shaped. The femoral condyles are convex in both planes. They are extended interiorly by the pulley shaped patellar surfaces. The neck of the pulley is represented anteriorly by the central groove on the patellar surface and posteriorly by the intercondylar notch. 111 Tibial condyle: The tibial surfaces are reciprocally curved and comprises two curved and concave parallel gutters which are separated by a blunt eminence running antero- posteriorly eminence lodges the two intercondylar tubercles. Tibio-femoral joints: The tibial condyles correspond to the femoral condyles while the inter condylar tibial tubercles come to within the femoral intercondylar notch, these surfaces constitute functionally the tibio-femoral joint. Femero-patellar joints: The facets of patella correspond to the patellar surface of the femur while the vertical ridge of the patella fits into the central groove of the femur. LIGAMENTS OF KNEE JOINT: Medial collateral ligament: It is flattened band rhomboidal in outine. It is attached above to the medial epicondyle of femur, below to the medial margin and the adjoining medial surface of tibia. Function: restrain valgus rotation Lateral collateral ligament: Function: restrain varus rotation and resist internal rotation kneeanat Anterior cruciate ligament: It is attached below to the anterior part of the intercondylar area of tibia between the anterior ends of lateral and medial semilunar cartilages. Above it is attached to the posterior part of the medial surface of lateral femoral condyle. Function: To resist anterior displacement of the tibia on the femur when the knee is flexed To resist varus or valgus rotation of the tibia, especially in the absence of the collateral ligaments Resists internal rotation of the tibia. Posterior cruciate ligament: It is attached below to the posterior part of intercondylar area of tibia, posterior to the attachment of posterior end of medial semilunar cartilage. Above it is attached to the anterior part of lateral surface of the medial condyle of femur. Function: To allow femoral rollback in flexion Resist posterior translation of the tibia relative to the femur Controls external rotation of the tibia with increasing knee flexion. Retention of the PCL in total knee replacement has been shown biomechanically to provide normal kinematic rollback of the femur on the tibia. This also is important for improving the lever arm of the quadriceps mechanism with flexion of the knee. MUSCLES OF KNEE JOINT: Quadriceps femoris Popliteus Semitendinosus Semimembranous Sartorius Biceps femoris Gastrocnemius Plantaris BURSAE AROUND THE KNEE JOINT: Anteriorly: The suprapatellar bursa The prepatellar bursa Superficial intrapatellar bursa Deep infrapatellar bursa Laterally: A bursa between lateral collateral ligament and biceps tendon A bursa between lateral collateral ligament and popliteus tendon Popliteus bursa lies between the popliteus and lateral condyle of femur. Medially: The tibial inter tendinous bursa( pes anserine bursa) A bursa between medial collateral ligament and semimembranous tendon A bursa between semimembranous tendon and tibia. Posteriorly: A bursa between lateral head of gastrocnemius and capsule. Semimembranous bursa(brodies bursa) NERVE SUPPLY: Femoral nerve Sciatic nerve Obturator nerve BLOOD SUPPLY: The arterial supply to knee joint, is from the branches of Popliteal artery Femoral artery Tibial artery TIBIO-FEMORAL ARTHROKINEMATICS: Viewed in the sagittal plane, the femurs articulating surface is convex while the tibias in concave. We can predict arthrokinematics based on the rules of concavity and convexity: During Knee Extension During Knee Flexion Open Chain Closed Chain Open Chain Closed Chain Tibia Glides Anteriorly On Femur Femur Glides Posteriorly On Tibia Tibia Glides Posteriorly On Femur Femur Glides Anteriorly On Tibia from 20o knee flexion to full extension from full knee extension to 20o flexion Tibia rotates externally Femur rotates internally on stable tibia Tibia rotates internally Femur rotates externally on stable tibia THE SCREW-HOME MECHANISM: Rotation between the tibia and femur occurs automatically between full extension (0o) and 20o of knee flexion. These figures illustrate the top of the right tibial plateau as we look down on it during knee motion. top of tibial plateau top of tibial plateau top of tibial plateau During Knee Extension, the tibia glides anteriorly on the femur. During the last 20 degrees of knee extension, anterior tibial glide persists on the tibias medial condyle because its articular surface is longer in that dimension than the lateral condyles. Prolonged anterior glide on the medial side produces external tibial rotation, the screw-home mechanism. THE SCREW-HOME MECHANISM REVERSES DURING KNEE FLEXION top of tibial plateau top of tibial plateau top of tibial plateau When the knee begins to flex from a position of full extension, posterior tibial glide begins first on the longer medial condyle. Between 0 deg. extension and 20 deg. of flexion, posterior glide on the medial side produces relative tibial internal rotation, a reversal of the screw-home mechanism. TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT Total knee replacement is indicated when there is unremitting severe pain in the knee with or without deformity. The pain/ deformity may e due to osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and various non specific arthritis. It relieves pain, provides mobility and correct deformity. Total knee replacement is a surgical procedure in which injured or damaged parts of the knee joint are replaced with artificial parts. The procedure is performed by seperating the muscles and ligaments around the knee to expose the knee capsule. The knee capsule is opened, exposed the inside of the joint. The end of the femur and tibial are removed. The artificial parts are cemented into place. The knee will consist of metal shell at the end of the femur, a metal and plastic trough on the tibia and if needed a plastic button in the cap. In a way this could be more appropriately called a Knee resurfacing operation. E:New FolderNAGU PROJECTimAGESTotal-Knee-Replacement.jpg The total knee replacement can be: Unicompartmental arthroplasty: The Articular surface of femur and tibia, either the medial or lateral compartment of the knee are replaced by an implant. Eg: osteoathritis. Bicomprtmental arthroplasty: In bicompartmental arthroplasty, the articular surface of tibia and femur of both medial and lateral compartments of the knee joints are replaced by an implant. The third compartment i.e.., the patellofemoral joint is however left intact. Tricomprtmental arthroplasty: the articular surface of the lower femur, upper tibia and patella are replaced by prosthesis. Most commonly performed arthroplsty. The prosthesis consists of a tibial component, a metal femoral component and a high molecular weight polyethylene button for articular surface of the patella. TKA GOALS Restore mechanical alignment [neutral tibiofemoral alignment = 4 °-6 ° of anatomic valgus], Horizontal joint line, Soft tissue balance (ligament), (Patella tracking (Q-angle) INDICATION Oteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Hemophilic arthritis Traumatic arthritis Sero negative arthrides Crystal deposition disease Pigmented villonoular synovitis Avascular necrosis Bone dysplasias Asymmetric arthrits CONTRA INDICATION Absolute contraindications Recent or curren joint infection Sepsis or systematic infection Neuropathic arthropathy Painful solid knee fusion Relative contraindications Severe osteoporosis Debilated poor health Non functioning extensor mechanism Painless, well functioning arthrodesis Significant peripheral vascular diseases TKA Complications Death: 0.53% Periprosthetic Infection: 0.71% Pulmonary emboli: 0.41% Patella fracture: Component Loosening: Tibial tray wear: Peroneal Nerve Palsy: 0.3% to 2% Periprosthetic Femur Fracture: Periprosthetic Tibial Fracture: Wound Complications / Skin slough: rare Patellar Clunk Syndrome: rare Patellofemoral Instability: 0.5%-29% DVT: Instability: Popliteal artery injury: 0.05% Quadriceps Tendon Rupture: 0.1% Patellar Tendon Rupture: Stiffness: Fat Embolism MCL rupture NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY: Need of the study: To reduce flexion contracture To improve range of motion To improve functional activity Significance of the study: This study is to evaluate the efficacy of dynamic splinting for knee flexion contracture following a total knee arthroplasty. Statement of the problem: To study the efficacy of dynamic splinting for knee flexion contracture following a total knee arthroplasty. Hence the study is entitled as efficacy of dynamic splinting for knee flexion contracture following a total knee arthroplasty. Objectives: To reduce flexion contracture To improve range of motion To analyze the effect of dynamic knee splint Null hypothesis: The null hypothesis can be stated as follows there is no significant difference in knee flexion contracture after the application of dynamic knee splint. Alternate hypothesis: The hypothesis can be stated as follows there is significant difference in knee flexion contracture after the application of dynamic knee splint. 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE: 1. TOTAL KNEE ARTHROPLASTY: Simon H Palmer, MD, Consultant Surgeon: Sep 21, 2010 Osteoarthritis destruction of the knee is the most common reason for total knee replacement. Jayant joshi, prakash kotwal says that total knee replacement relieves pain, provides mobility corrects deformity. 2. FLEXION CONTRACTURE: J. Ilyas; A.H. Deakin; C. Brege; and F. Picard Flexion contracture is a common deformity encountered in patients requiring total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Department of orthopaedics, golden jubilee national hospital, clydebank, glasgow, g81 4hx, uk. One hundred and four continuous TKA were completed by a single consultant using the OrthoPilot (BBraun, Aesculap) navigation system and Columbus implants. Seventy-four knees had preoperative flexion contracture (including neutral knees) while 30 were in hyperextension. Ouellet D, Moffet H. Arthritis Rheum October 2002 Large movement deficits are present, especially in single-limb support pre-op and 2 months following TKA. Huei-Ming Chai, PHD. November 24, 2008 total knee arthroplasty limits range of motion 3. DYNAMIC SPLINT: Dennis l armstrong, m.d. Buck willis, phd evaluates the efficacy of dynamic knee extension splinting for knee flexion contracture following TKA. Finger  E, Willis  FB Health Physical Education, Recreation, Texas State University, Cases Journal 2008, Physical therapy alone did not fully reduce the contracture and dynamic splinting was then prescribed for daily low-load, prolonged-duration stretch. Finger E, Willis B 29Dec2008: Dynasplint offers extension Systems to aid in rehabilitation and recovery from flexion contracture. Clinical studies have demonstrated greatest average reduction in rehabilitation time and cost with the use of Dynasplint Systems in conjunction with physical therapy. Willis FB Biomechanics.2008 Jan; 15 After surgery, a patient is often left with shortened connective tissue and may have a difficult time walking normally again. Wearing a dynamic knee splint will lengthen and remodel the tissue to restore range of motion. McClure P, Blackburn L, Dusold C Ideally, wearing your Dynasplint for 6-8 continuous hours yields the best results as it allows a safe, long lasting remodeling of the soft tissue. Cliffordr.Wheeless, Iii, Md.December3, 2008. The purpose of this report is to review the use of external fixator for the gradual correction of severe knee flexion contractures that limit patient function. James f. Mooney iii, md, l. Andrew koman Posted: 05/01/2001 Average preoperative flexion contracture was 80.5 °. Each patient achieved full extension. There was one recurrence, despite bracing, which was managed with replacement of the fixator and soft tissue procedures 4. CONVENTIONAL PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR KNEE ARTHRITIS: Jan.K.Richardson, Pt, Phd, Ocs Said that arthritis is a degenerative disease of the cartilage and bones that results in pain and stiffness in affected joint. There is no cure for arthritis, but physical therapy can make living easier and less painful. Brigham And Womens Hospital Department of Rehabilitation Services Physical Therapy .ROM along with proper soft tissue balance is required to ensure proper biomechanics in the knee joint. Aggressive post-operative PT has been shown to be effective in improving patient outcomes and shortening length of stay Balint G And Sz Ebenyl.B Showed that therapeutic exercises decreases pain, increases muscle fatigue and range of motion as well as improve endurance and aerobic capacity. Weight reduction is proven in obese patients with OA of knee. Therapeutic heat and cold, electrotherapy, acupuncture are widely used. Dr. Margriet van baar reported that significant beneficial effects from exercise therapy including improvements in self reported pain, disability, walking ability and overall sense of well being. Dorr LD.   J Arthroplasty June 2002 CPM helps achieve knee range of motion quicker in first post-op weeks but at final follow-ups, no difference in final range of motion Byrne, et al.   Clin Biomech October 2002 Deficits in knee strength balanced by increased hip extensor work; rehab should optimize bilateral hip and knee function after TKA McManus et al 2006, Jorge et al 2006 the higher frequencies (90-130Hz) to stimulate the pain gate mechanisms thereby mask the pain symptoms. Ozcan et al, 2004 Low frequency nerve stimulation is physiologically effective (as with TENS and NMES) and this is the key to IFT intervention. Adedoyin, R. A., et al. (2002).IFT acts primarily on the excitable (nerve) tissues, the strongest effects are likely to be those which are a direct result of such stimulation (i.e. pain relief and muscle stimulation). National Taiwan University Hospital, November 2008 PNF stretching techniques has been used frequently for patients with total knee arthroplasty in clinical practice to increase range of motion effectively and reduced knee pain during exercise. Huei-Ming Chai, PHD November 24, 2008 PNF stretching technique is a therapeutic technique using the PNF concept to the related muslces either to increase neuro-inhibition mechanism for releasing muscle spasm and elongating muscle length, or to increase neuro-excitation mechanism for enhancing muscle strength Harold B. James H. Beaty, MD Range-of-motion exercises, muscle strengthening, gait training, and instruction in performing activities of daily living are important. 5. GONIOMETRIC MEASURENT FOR ROM: Carlos Lavernia, MD, Range of motion assessment through direct observation without a goniometer provides inaccurate findings. Mark D. Rossi, PhD, PT, CSCS The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 23 No. 6 Suppl. 1 2008 Measured scores using a goniometer provided an improved degree of accuracy, but results appear to be dependent on the clinician performing the measurement. Richard l. Gajdosik Associate Professor Physical therapists may accept most knee goniometric measurements as clinically valid, and the evidence indicates that most of these measurements are reliable. 6. KNEE SOCIETY SCORE: Gil Scuderi, MD-Chair; Jim Benjamin, MD; Jess Lonner, MD; Bob Bourne, MD and Norm Scott, MD, 2007,The Knee Society rating system (KSS) was first published in CORR in 1989 and has become the standard clinical evaluation system for reporting results for patients undergoing Total Knee Replacement. John N. Insall, MD, Lawrence D. Dorr, Scott, MD Rationale of the Knee Society clinical rating system. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1989 Nov:The Knee Society has proposed this new rating system to be simple but more exacting and more objective. MD, Richard D. Scott, MD, and W. Norman It is hoped the knee society rating system will become universally accepted and will be adopted by all authors, even if they wish to report results using a customary scoring method as well. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: MATERIALS: Evaluation tool: Goniometry Knee society score Outcome measure: Range of motion Knee score Function score Material used: Dynamic knee splint METHODOLOGY: (A) Study design: 30 subjects with flexion contracture following unilateral TKA assigned in two groups. GROUP A: 15 subjects: Dynamic Splint Along With Conventional Physiotherapy. GROUP B: 15 subjects: Conventional Physiotherapy. (B) Study setting: This study was carried out in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Sri Ramakrishna hospital, Coimbatore. (C) Study duration: This study was carried out for a period of 6 months. (D) Sampling: Random sampling. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Age: 45 to 70 years. Both sex Flexion contracture : 20 12 deg (post operatively) Unilateral TKA Reduced flexibility in AROM of knee extension Pain that is worsened by bending over while legs are straight Impaired gait pattern Ability to understand informed consent and experiment responsibilities EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Fractures Bilateral TKA TKA Knee sepsis Osteomyelitis or any orthopedic infection Extensor mechanism dysfunction Psoriasis Knee joint neuropathy Previous Stroke or Brain Injury STATISTICS TOOL: The data collected was analyzed using independent t-test. The test was carried out between two groups. Independentt test was used to compare the effectiveness of treatment between the groups. t = S = X1 = Difference between pretest and posttest values of Group I X2 = Difference between pretest and posttest values of Group II = Mean difference of Group I = Mean difference of Group II n1 = No. of samples in Group I n2 = No. of samples in Group II S = Combined standard deviation TREATMENT: Dynamic knee Extension splint: The Rebound Effect 53% Average Reduction in Time and Cost Associated with ROM Rehabilitation High-force, short-duration stretching favors recoverable, elastic tissue deformation, whereas low-force, long-duration stretching enhances permanent plastic deformation. In the clinical setting, high force application has a greater risk of causing pain and possibly ruptures of tissue. Dynasplint Systems improve range of motion by creating permanent, non-traumatic tissue elongation and remodeling, thus virtually eliminating the range of motion rebound effect often observed in the clinical setting. RangerKnee2 Features Benefits LLPS (Low-Load, Prolonged-Duration Stretch) technology has been proven to successfully treat joint stiffness and limited range of motion. Early application can reduce time and cost associated with range of motion rehabilitation Simple, adjustable and reproducible bilateral tensioning System Available for rent or purchase Biomechanically correct Comfortable to wear Each Dynasplint System is recycled to reduce waste and help the environment A Dynasplint Systems consultant will fit your patients and oversee their treatment to ensure the best possible results Over a quarter of a million patients have been successfully treated with Dynasplint Systems Conveniently labeled and easy to use Patient Wearing Protocol Please review the tension your Dynasplint consultant set for you initially. In the beginning, the splint should be worn for 2-4 hours. Do not increase the tension until you can tolerate overnight wear. Time is the most important factor and your first goal should be 6-8 hours of pain free wear. After achieving this time goal, when you take the splint off if you have less than 1 hour of post-wear stiffness, turn tension up by one on both sides. However if you are unable to wear the splint for a prolonged period of time, decrease the tension by a half to one full turn. During the process of regaining your range of motion, if you have any question or concerns contact your Dynasplint consultant. CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT: MODALITIES FOR PAIN CONTROL, EDEMA REDUCTION: Moist Heat Functional electrical stimulation Transcutaneous electrical stimulation Ice therapy Interferential therapy Galvanic Stimulation JOINT MOBILIZATION: Flexion restriction Position: patient seated Posterior glide of tibia on femur-grade 3 Oscillation with 30 second hold, Repeated 5 times with patellar mobilization of inferior glides (5 mins) Extension restriction Position: patient prone with patella off of table Anterior glide of tibia on femur- grade 3 oscillation and static hold (10 secs in 3 repetitions) with patellar mobilization superior glides (5 mins) EXERCISE PROGRAM: Closed and open kinetic chain strengthening exercises Proprioceptive/balance exercises targeting the trunk and lower extremity musculature Partial body weighted squats Gait training Range of motion exercises Heel slide (supine sitting) Stretching (prone/supine) to increase knee extension ROM GAIT TRAINING: Forward Walking Sidestepping Backward or Retro-Walking FUNCTIONAL TRAINING: Standing Transfer Activities Lifting Carrying Pushing or Pulling Squatting or Crouching Return-to-Work Tasks ENDURANCE TRAINING: Upper body exercise. Ambulation activities One-leg cycling, using non-operative leg with resistance to motion. BALANCE/PROPRIOCEPTION TRAINING: Tandem Walking Lateral Stepping over/around objects Weight-Shifting Activities Closed Kinetic Chain Activities 5. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: KNEE EXTENSION ROM: GROUP I Pre test (Two months after TKA) Post test (conventional PT with SPLINT) Difference X1 16 0 16 16 1 15 16 2 14 16 2 14 16 4 12 14 0 14 14 0 14 14 1 13 14 1 13 14 2 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 Mean=12.93 PRE TEST AND POST KNEE EXTENSION ROM: GROUP I KNEE EXTENSION ROM: GROUP II Pre test (Two months after TKA) Post test (conventional PT without splint) Difference X2 18 7 11 18 6 12 18 6 12 18 6 12 18 4 14 16 7 9 16 7 9 16 4 12 16 4 12 16 4 12 14 3 11 14 4 10 14 4 12 14 2 12 14 2 12 Mean=11.46 t=2.82 degrees of freedom = 28 The probability of this result, assuming the null hypothesis, is 0.009 PRE TEST AND POST KNEE EXTENSION ROM: GROUP II KNEE SCORE AND FUNCTION SCORE: S.No. Parameters Groups Mean S.D.Value t Value 1. Knee Scores Group A 18 4.47 3.06 Group B 13 2. Function Score Group A 35.6 4.98 3.01 Group B 30.1 MEAN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KNEE SCORE AND FUNCTION SCORE DEMOGRAPHIC DATA THE AGE OF THE SAMPLES BETWEEN 45 -70 YEARS IN EACH GROUP Age (years) No. of Samples Total Group A Group B 45-50 4 3 7 50-55 5 4 9 55-60 2 5 7 60-65 2 2 4 65-70 2 1 3 TOTAL NUMBER OF MALES AND FEMALES IN EACH GROUP Sex No. of Samples Total Group A Group B Male 8 10 18 Females 7 5 12 TOTAL NUMBER OF RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE INVOLVEMENT IN EACH GROUP Side of involvement No. of Samples Total Group A Group B Right 11 8 19 Left 4 7 11 5. DISCUSSION Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is considered the treatment of choice for patients with intractable pain and substantial functional disabilities who have not had acceptable relief and functional improvement after conservative treatment. Knee flexion contracture is a common pathology following TKA affecting up to 61% of these patients. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of dynamic splinting in treating patients with flexion contracture following Unilateral TKA. Literature review states that there is significant difference between dynamic splinting and conventional physiotherapy management in reducing flexion contracture following Unilateral TKA. A total of thirty patients with unilateral TKA were selected under inclusive criteria and were randomly allocated into an experimental group and control group as Group A and group B respectively. In each group 15 Individuals were allotted In Group A, dynamic splint along with conventional physiotherapy was given and in Group B, Conventional physiot

Friday, October 25, 2019

President Abraham Lincoln :: Biographies Bio Biography

Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He was raised in a farm near Hodgenville, Kentucky. During his childhood Abraham was in the period of slavery, but the Lincoln family did not own any slaves, not only because they couldn’t afford it, but also his father Thomas did not approve of it. Later in 1816 the Lincoln family had to move to Indiana, near the Ohio River. Soon enough in 1818 Abraham’s mother, Nancy Lincoln, died of milk sickness. After the mother died, Thomas found a new wife named Sarah Bush Johnston. A few years later, the life in Indiana wasn’t as expected and the family had to move to Macon Country, Illinois. Abraham believed that he should be off by himself, and soon enough is what he did at the age of 23, and later he began his political career and became a member of the Whig party, and also a candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives. In 1832, after being fired from his job at a store, he decided to join the Illinois militia to help fight in the Black Hack war, and was chosen captain by his group. He served his country for 3 months, and it changed his life forever, because during the time he was in the militia, he saved an innocent Native American from being attacked from the other soldiers in the camp. When things were bad for him, he gave it his best to bring himself up again, and in 1834 Lincoln ran for state legislature, and in a few years he learned everything to become a lawyer and took an oath to the Illinois state bar. His life changed after that, and had many opportunities, even to run for governor of Illinois, but he declined it. Then in 1839 when he was at a cotillion in Springfield, he met the love of his life Mary Todd. She was from Lexington, Kentucky but from an upper class background. They were from different worlds, but they managed to work things out, and they married on November 4, 1842. The next year was their time of their life when they found out that Mary was pregnant with their son Robert, he was born August 1, 1843. Soon, they Lincoln family owned a house where they could have their own space, and a few years later, they had their second child named Edward on March 10, 1846.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Planning Healthy and Safe Environments

The main factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments are; †¢Risk assessment; a risk assessment is a process that identifies and assesses the importance of risk in a situation and then assesses the measures that control it. A risk assessment should be undertaken before a planned outdoor learning experience, and the main findings recorded. †¢Contact details; you should always make sure that you have up to date emergency contact numbers, for all staff and children attending the outdoor excursion.Medical; you should always make sure that any medical requirements are set in place, for example, inhalers, sickness tablets etc†¦ Also take with you the first aid kit. †¢The age of children being taken off premises should be noted as the ratio of adult:child differs on age, for example more adults will be needed per child at 4/5 years than 10/11 year old. If it an indoor environment then you need to take into account; †¢Th e size of room for the amount of children to work safely in.†¢Whether or not it is a safe environment for any disability i. e wheel chair, walker etc. †¢If it is a kitchen, set out rules for children, such as utensil use, near cooker when lit, what happens if emergency etc. General behaviour when near hot appliances. Monitoring and maintaining health and safety makes others in school aware of risks, hazards and safe working. Health and safety are monitored and maintained by doing daily health checks, updating children files and checking materials for currency.Parents and teachers having open Communication, and parents informing teachers of children medical conditions and updates and exposures. The use of sign in badges for visitors are used also anybody working in a school environment has to have a C. R. B check before entering. There is also a Health and Safety policy which is followed and regularly updated. Also there is a use of caution signs to let others know of spill age, danger to health etc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Essay Ine

A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS- â€Å"PEAE† FOR HKDSE/HKAL BY TOM LAW A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk HKAL BAFS MARKS (25) NUMER OF POINTS MARKS (20) NUMER OF POINTS 8+8+9 3+3+3 8+12 3+4 10+15 4+4 20 7 12+13 4+4 25 8 A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk EXAMPLE 1 Nowadays franchising is a common way to go into a business. From the perspective of a franchisee, discuss the major benefits and drawbacks of operating a coffee shop under franchise. (25) , (25) EXAMPLE 2 Explain the major characteristics of an effective control system (10) (10) A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk EXAMPLE 3 Describe the different aspects to be considered in setting quality control standards for (i) companies in manufacturing industries a nd (ii) companies in service industries. (13) (i) (ii) (13) EXAMPLE 4 Illustrate with examples the measures that service business in Kong Kong might adopt to manage the quantity of (I) services demanded and (ii) services supplied. 12) , (i) (ii) (12) A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk EXAMPLE 5 A jewelry company is considering the use of financial incentives and job enrichment to enhance the job performance of its (I) sales people (ii) jewelry designers Evaluate the effectiveness of using financial incentives to enhance the job performance of these two types of employees (12) (I) (ii) ? (12) A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. k PEAE LIST/ ? P+E DISCUSS/ P+E+A ELABORATE/? ? P+E+A EXPLAIN/ P+E+A DESCRIBE/ P+E+A ILLUSTRATE WITH EXAMPLES/? P+E+A ANALYSE/ P+E+A+E EVALUATE/? ? P+E+A+E A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[emai l  protected] com. hk PEAE Point Elaboration Application Evaluation A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected]. com. hk PEAE P: E: + A: E: ( / ) A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk PEAE LIST/ ? P+E DISCUSS/ P+E+A ELABORATE/? ? P+E+A EXPLAIN/ P+E+A DESCRIBE/ P+E+A ILLUSTRATE WITH EXAMPLES/? P+E+A ANALYSE/ P+E+A+E EVALUATE/? ? P+E+A+E A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk EXAMPLE 5 A jewelry company is considering the use of financial incentives and job enrichment to enhance the job performance of its (I) sales people (ii) jewelry designers a) Evaluate the effectiveness of using financial incentives to enhance the job performance of these two types of employees (12) (I) (ii) a) (12) †¢ 12 marks= 4 points POINT More effective in enhancing the job performance of sales people / ELABORATION Sales performance is more measurable/ APPLICATION Higher sales figures imply better sales performance/ EVALUATION why not applicable to jewelry designers/ the idea of fashion, dignity or beauty is quite abstract and subjective. There are no standards or guidelines to tell exactly what it should be. A GRADE ESSAY SKILLS – â€Å"PEAE† BY TOM LAW Email:[email  protected] com. hk EXAMPLE 5 A jewelry company is considering the use of financial incentives and job enrichment to enhance the job performance of its (I) sales people (ii) jewelry designers a) Evaluate the effectiveness of using financial incentives to enhance the job performance of these two types of employees (12) (I) (ii) a) (12) The use of financial incentives are more effective in enhancing the job performance of sales people than jewelry designers.For sales people, sales performance is more measurable and therefore easier to link with financial incentives. For example, financial incentives can usually be performed by solely considering the sales figures. Higher sales figures imply better sales performance and financial incentives should be distributed to those who perform well. But for jewelry designers, the job of them is difficult to quantify and therefore difficult to link financial incentives with performance. For example, the idea of fashion, dignity or beauty is quite abstract and subjective. There are no standards or guidelines to tell exactly what should be.Even though the sales figure of the new design is optimistic, it may not be the result of the marvelous design but may be the hard work of salespersons. Numerical data can not fully show the value of work done by the designers. Thus, financial incentive is impractical. , , , , ?, ?, , , ,? , , SAMPLE ESSAY EMAIL: [email  protected] com. hk TOM LAW